09 Nov 2021

Trick or Treat, or How We Met Halloween

Our company is international, so we know exactly how this holiday is celebrated in different countries (and whether it is).


The Irish, of course, know everything about this holiday because they began to celebrate Samhain, or "All Saints' Day," back in the VIII century. Ireland is a land of legends and fairytales, and the celebration of Samhain is full of superstitions and rituals. For example, the traditional Irish Halloween dinner is colcannon (mashed potatoes are mixed with cabbage and served with boiled ham, fried brisket, or sausages). After such a hearty dinner, sweet bread barmbrek is served as a dessert, in which coins, rings, and other things are hidden. If you find a piece of rag in your bread (ups), it's bad news for you: such a "gift" threatens an unstable financial year. But the coin will bring happiness and prosperity.


Ukraine has recently joined the Halloween race. Home decor and bright costumes have become the main attributes of Halloween in the Ukrainian style. But the main character of the holiday — the pumpkin Jack-o'-lantern — has not yet taken root, although some enthusiasts still do not disregard this essential element of All Saints Day.


In Kazakhstan, this holiday is also not as widely celebrated as in the USA, Ireland, or Canada. Every year, costume parties are gaining more and more popularity, allowing everyone to show their creativity.


At COREX, we decided to organize a virtual Halloween party. Working in different countries and cities is not at all a reason to refuse fun meetings with colleagues. We staged a marathon of scary stories, shared holiday traditions from other regions of the world, and, of course, did not ignore Jack-o'-lantern, who became the hero of our photo contest for the most creative pumpkin. This online party showed again that our outstanding team could organize fantastic parties despite any distance!

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COREX Logistics is a supply and logistics company with headquarters in Ireland, working with pharma and patients to facilitate improved healthcare worldwide.

Our expert international team works across an 80-country network, specialising in the EMEA region, providing the latest in clinical trial logistics technology and systems, cold-chain delivery, temperature-controlled transportation and storage services. From sourcing, procurement and customs clearance, to labelling, returns and destruction, we cover every link in the supply chain. We also run an established Named Patient Programme and provide Patient-Oriented services. With extensive knowledge and on-the-ground insight into our markets, we create innovative solutions with the ultimate goal of improving the lives of patients.

To learn more about our range of expert services, contact us today on info@corex-logistics.com

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